All Things "Knot" Related for your Flow Rope and Jump Rope! by SLUSHROPES

All Things "Knot" Related for your Flow Rope and Jump Rope! by SLUSHROPES

What is up ya'll! My name is Slush, creator of SLUSHROPES! I've been an avid fan of the rope flow and jump rope lifestyle for years and today we're going to talk about all things "knots!"

Let's first cover one common reason why people add knots to their jump rope or flow rope. The reason being - to make it shorter (primarily speaking). This isn't the only reason why someone would, however we'll start here!

Jump ropes and flow ropes, for years, have been made as "one size fits all". There ARE exceptions to this, specifically in the jump rope world. There are jump ropes like Crossropes or The Drag Rope where it comes in sizes such as XS,S,M,L, etc. - a lot like when you buy a shirt. There are also different types of jump ropes where adding a knot is unfavorable - such as a speed rope, cable rope, or beaded rope. The reason for this is due to its material. In flow ropes, the thicker the rope becomes the less favorable adding a knot becomes. All is neutral. Not "right", "better", or "wrong" - just less favorable.

In the rope flow world, there hasn't been a public offering for a variation in length or custom length sizes until now.

With the soft launch of SLUSHROPES offering custom length flow ropes, there is one main driving factor that I've noticed time and time again. Yes, getting a premium flow rope that's fit for your height is ONE. But, I find it very interesting that most people express their need for a shorter or longer rope as a direct way to avoid OR add knots. What I mean by this is: People order custom ropes specifically to NOT have any knots (typically those who find a 9 ft rope too long for them) OR people who want to ADD knots because a 9 ft rope isn't long enough.

This is just MY personal observation based on MY data. I can't speak for all, however there is enough data and pattern for me to say that there IS, most certainly, a trend. An interesting one.

In this article, I'd love to dive deep into the world of knots and share with you my experiences !

As a long time flowmie community member, I've had to live in a world where flow ropes and jump ropes are simply TOO LONG for a shorty like me. I stand at 4'10 and the world just looks different. LOL In all seriousness though, I think I've gotten accustomed to "how it is" and have learned to adapt to it.

My adaptation with longer ropes has taught me to embrace knots. BUT, within conditions.

First, my knots MUST be within 4-6 inches off of the handle (more or less). Second, they need to be equal and parallel to each other. This is an absolute for me. Third, I shy away from having my knots too far off of my handle in which we'll cover more in this article. This is in regards to my flow ropes and jump ropes.

I say this time and time again: when it comes to jump ropes and flow ropes, there is no right or wrong - just whatever YOU prefer. With that much freedom, comes the opportunity to understand more. And I hope that in this article, I can shed some light when it comes to adding or subtracting knots.

Adding Knots To Your Rope:

  • Shortens your flow rope or jump rope
  • Is best* when applied 4 inches to 10 inches off of the handle - *If your knots do not fall under these metrics, it doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong. I do want to reemphasize the importance of how the flow rope or jump rope feels like for YOU. If you are comfortable, there is no need to change. Exploration, however, is always encouraged!
  • Will give you an elevated experience when knots are applied evenly (parallel) on both sides
  • When applied evenly, will unlock better performance due to weight distribution.
  • When applied "randomly" , "skewed" , or "crooked" , the rope will typically lead you to a very "wonky" feeling when swinging the flow rope or jump rope. This is due to the imbalance of the weight distribution. The only exception to this is IF one side of the rope needs a knot and placed within the 4 to 10 inches off of the handle area. This asymmetrical placement will not throw off your swing revolutions.

The itemized list are just some tips and info about adding knots to our rope. And as I've mentioned, my adaptation to standard length ropes have accustomed me to find comfort in having knots in my rope.

There are many ways to knot your rope and this can easily be looked into online. Not all "knots" are the same. Some shorter more while some can be very difficult to make.

However, I also can't deny that it's been really REALLY NICE using a more fitted length for my height.

Remember how I mentioned that it's interesting how many people get custom length orders to ditch or add knots? Well, I've also come to realize that there's also a great in between. A flow rope that's shorter while still being able to knot your rope. This is more for people who may be like me, wanting the feel from having knots, without it being too overbearing. Because let's face it, there comes a point where our attempts to making our rope fit us in size and feel can lead to frustration.That frustration takes away from our experience.

With all things said, you might be thinking: "Well, which way should I go?"

The answer is simple: "F*ck around and find out!"

I'm serious. Experiment. Explore. Learn! Through experiences, we can gather our personal opinion on this matter because no matter how we flip it, our preferences are all different.

SLUSHROPES is proud to soft launch custom length flow ropes to ALL! If you are interested in getting a rope fitting, have your questions answered, or simply receive a rope recommendation email INFO@SLUSHROPES.COM or DM me @SLUSHROPES !


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