Rope Flow for Everyone: From Grandmas to Ninjas (and You!)

Rope Flow for Everyone: From Grandmas to Ninjas (and You!)

Many of us might picture a young athlete when we think of rope flow. But forget stereotypes! Today, we're thrilled to welcome Sheila Nollert, also known as "@grandma_moves" online, who proves that rope flow is an activity for all ages and abilities. Sheila will share her journey with rope flow, exploring its many benefits and how it can bring back the joy of movement, no matter your life stage.

Surprised to see a blog post by a grandma on a rope flow website? Well, don’t be. Rope flow is an activity that everyone can embrace. 

The fact you’re even here means you have seen rope flow somewhere or heard about it, and you’re intrigued. You want to know – what is this?

Rope flow is an activity that can be practiced in any number of ways to bring about different experiences. 



Doesn’t matter.


Doesn’t matter.


Doesn’t matter. 


The common denominator is your body and a rope. What it becomes after that is entirely up to you. 

It can be purely meditative as the rope slowly loops about your body, and you lean into the air in quiet and mindful repetitions as you release the day’s tensions and move in a more natural way than you have in a very long time. You feel relaxed, soothed, and comforted.

It can be a dance with balance, rhythm, and attitude, as well as steps forward and back, working on a whole different level as the rope holds the beat of the music. You get lost in it, trust me.

Rope flow can be “weaponized,” where your moves are predatory, watchful, strong, and balanced as you move fearlessly to meet your imaginary opponent. 

Rope flow will also happily appeal to the nerdy who want precision in their placement of the rope, and the coiling and uncoiling of their bodies to deliver perfection in balance and form.

The rope is only limited by your imagination, and as your relationship with the rope grows, so, too, will the things you do together. The rope is a companion. It develops personality from the hands that lead it.

Whatever you become with your rope, know that rope flow can benefit you in myriad ways; enhanced flexibility, better balance, coordination, core stabilization, increased mobility, ability to focus, brain work, muscle memory, endurance, cardio, understanding of body mechanics, stress relief, confidence building, an overall feeling of well-being and let’s not forget the joy of learning a new activity. There is also an incredibly supportive community online, should you want it.  

I began my own rope flow journey in the early months of lockdown during the global pandemic. Seeing it online while exploring, I was mesmerized and immediately hooked by the beauty of the body in motion using a rope as a tool to show the flow of energy expended. I made my own rope at first and began seeking out tutorials and building community by following others who practiced.

Some of the most basic rope swings were relatively easy to acquire, but then there were others… such as the tandem sneak, which for a very long time, I likened to feeling like a blender with a broken blade. Yet there is nothing more satisfying than persevering through the rope smacks and failed attempts, working at it over and over until finally it comes, and you wonder why it was ever a problem in the first place. 

I am currently fully addicted and I flow every single day, even if for only a few minutes. 

Editor's Note: Sheila also posts tutorials on her instagram page every Monday! Check one out below! 


You can literally begin anywhere, whether that means doing a single arm swing side to side repeatedly to explore how the rope responds and cuts through the air, or you are ready and primed to learn your first move. There are no rules. Progress as you desire (although the rope may demand you do more than you first intended…) 

A standard-size rope weighs just over 1 lb, which is a very nice weight to begin with. You can feel where it is in space as its trajectory takes it around your body. 

Don’t worry too much about the length of the rope and just go with the default, which is typically 8 feet, unless you are above or below average height because another lovable thing about the rope is you can simply make a knot close to a handle, or even two knots, one below either handle. Placing the knot near the handle means you aren’t dragging the knot on the floor, creating resistance, or hitting yourself with it. The rope can pack a punch at the right speed. With some moves, you may desire a longer rope; if that is the case, you just remove the knot. It is that simple.

Take your rope everywhere. It is an extension of you. Its portability makes this a breeze. Flow ropes thrive in every environment; the gym, park, beach, tourist attraction, forest, yard, lavender field (before you ask, yes, I did…), and with care, in your house.

Honestly, if you are like me, selecting the color of rope you want will be like standing at the ice cream vendor, trying to decide which flavor you want. It’s probably the hardest part of embarking on this rope flow journey.

Admittedly, you can begin with what you have, so if it is a PVC rope or a beaded rope that sits in your closet, bring it out to try, but know that while you will be able to mimic the moves, it won’t be the full experience a flow rope will bring. You will miss the feeling of connection the weighted rope brings and the perfect way it cuts through the air at a speed of your choosing. 


Hopefully, you now have an idea of what lies ahead for you should you decide to take up this activity. I suspect if you are still reading, you are buzzing with anticipation as you envision giving it a try. So if you are older, like me, and it was seeing a brightly colored rope spinning through the air that triggered fond memories of school recesses of jump rope and Double Dutch that landed you here, it is my hope that you will once again experience that freedom and joy with this interpretative, non-jump option.  

It can be for you, for all of us. Not to mention, it is a whole lot of fun, addictive even, and it is right up there on the cool meter.


Sheila Nollert

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