Hi, I am Sung Jihun from South Korea. I have been a flight attendant and fitness trainer in Hong Kong for over ten years. I am a flow enthusiast. I'm passionate about all forms of flow, including kettlebells, mace, club bells, Indian clubs, movement flow, etc.
Discovering Rope Flow
I saw Rope Flow on Instagram six months before I started it. It looked strange. My first thought was, "What is it even useful for?" I realize now I didn't have enough understanding of body movement. I was a typical gym rat, focusing on pressing and pulling, progressive overload, and lean mass.
One day, God challenged me with a knee injury while I was doing heavy-weight squats with poor form. It was depressing. But I had to do something for fitness; I couldn't just stop. Then I remembered that Rope Flow I had seen on Instagram. In May 2022, I began my search for a way to start. Unlike jump rope, Rope Flow is designed to not jump over the rope (of course, you can if you want). So, without hurting my knee, I was able to work out. Until I met Rope Flow, I rarely did workouts with rotational movements. Every day I did this, I felt my mobility improve. I interpret this as hidden mobility being found.
I began with resources from Weck Method, Slushropes, and Alpaca Flow. I didn't know I would like a challenge that much. The more challenging it was, the more I enjoyed progress. This is the first reason why I love and continue Rope Flow. I enjoy what I don't do well initially but eventually achieve. That feeling of successfully overcoming a challenge is absolutely addictive.
Overcoming Challenges
I have always believed in simplifying movements and finding the most effective way to explain them when teaching others. One particular challenge I encountered was mastering the Alternating Back Mill while instructing. To understand this complex move, I deconstructed it step by step, starting with the Underhand Sneak, progressing to the Anchored Underhand Sneak (AUS), and focusing on the position of the crossing hand above the shoulder and the subsequent spine movement. Establishing a cardinal law as a reference point was crucial in correctly orienting the rope, as it was a guiding compass throughout the process. Navigating the rope's orientation would have been significantly more challenging without this reference point. The pieces began to fall into place with persistence and dedication. However, unlocking the non-dominant side presented its own challenges. After days of intense physical and mental practice, the Alternating Back Mill eventually became second nature.
Benefits of Rope Flow
I believe that Rope Flow offers numerous benefits, including enhanced mobility, coordination, balance, and core strength. You'll notice the moves become smoother and more coordinated through consistent practice and repetition. Additionally, while engaging in Core Coiling Training (CCT) exercises, like steering, the body undergoes enhancements that improve locomotive function. With each roll, you're improving your ability to walk, turn, and change directions. Maintaining balance during these movements can be challenging. Still, the rope provides immediate feedback, alerting you when your balance is compromised and allowing you to self-correct your movements accordingly. This interactive process fosters a dynamic and engaging experience, promoting both physical and mental agility.
Building a Community
Rope Flow serves as a universal language, connecting individuals worldwide through movement and expression. As a Korean residing in Hong Kong, I have discovered a profound sense of community and connection through the monthly gatherings that bring people together in the city. Attending these events whenever possible, I am captivated by the diverse group of individuals who unite in the shared passion for Rope Flow. Seeing people from various backgrounds and professions actively engaging in this art form fills me with joy and gratitude. These gatherings transcend cultural and professional boundaries, fostering new friendships and meaningful connections that enrich my experience in Hong Kong and strengthen the bonds within our community.
I am eager to spread awareness and encourage more individuals to explore the practice of Rope Flow. While it may not be the only form of exercise, I firmly believe it stands out as one of the most rewarding and fulfilling workouts available. Its ability to unite people, promote physical well-being, and spark creativity makes Rope Flow a genuinely exceptional and transformative experience that deserves recognition and appreciation.