The First-Ever Global Rope Flow Meetup: A Celebration of Movement and Community

The First-Ever Global Rope Flow Meetup: A Celebration of Movement and Community

Twenty years ago, David Weck had the transformative idea to NOT jump his rope, but instead to “roll” it. “By removing the jump, I was able to perfect my body’s timing and rotational integration without any impact or overtraining. The experience was transformative and elevated my movement skills by orders of magnitude,” Weck says. And now, twenty years later, Weck hosted the first-ever Global Rope Flow Meetup at the Weck Method Lab in San Diego, California, on June 22nd and 23rd. This blog post dives into the event’s significance through the eyes of some of the early adopters and key sponsors who helped make it happen.

The Evolution of Rope Flow

Rope Flow has grown significantly since its inception. After Weck shared the four foundational movements (figure 8, matador, dragon roll, and sneaks), practitioners quickly ran with them and made them their own. Many interpretations of these movements have spread throughout the community as flowists continue diving deep into the practice.

It is evident when looking at the Rope Flow Community Instagram and Facebook group that there is no one right way to do Rope Flow. When reflecting on some of the biggest changes Weck has seen in how people approach and practice Rope Flow, he says, “There are so many derivative patterns and releases being done with so much creativity and individual style. I love it.

CJ Kobliska, Director of Programming at Gymnazo, agrees that rope flow offers each person a unique journey of self-exploration. When discussing these journeys, Kobliska says, “There are opportunities to rope flow with different intentions, whether it be for fitness, flow, function, freedom, or fundamental movement awareness… it’s so cool to see the different ways rope flow has been organically integrated into different communities!” At Gymnazo, a fitness facility dedicated to practicing multidimensional movement, everyone believes in rope flow’s potential to benefit people from all walks of fitness and its ability to bridge the gap between different disciplines, so much so that they offer a weekly Spherical Rope Flow class, workshops throughout the year, and an online course for all levels if you want to learn at your own pace. “We see the value it brings to our community, and our community loves rope flow in its various forms. Many take their ropes wherever they go!”

“It’s a skill that makes other skills easier to learn. It truly is the Rosetta Stone of movement!”
CJ Kobliska

Building a Community

Rope Flow’s diversity is evident, not only in how it is practiced but also by the people who practice it. This was a highlight of the meetup for Slushropes founder, Beyah Del Mundo, also known as Slush. She says, “I was so honored to have witnessed the range of people showcasing their love for rope flow in their own way. We had every type of person doing rope flow. To me, this was so important and a beautiful reminder that rope flow has transcended beyond mobility training.”

When someone enters the Rope Flow Community, they will undoubtedly encounter the thriving community in the Philippines. And if you’ve been in the game long enough, you’ve seen or at least heard of Giselle Lim or Rope Flow Tita on IG. Weck acknowledges that the global community that has emerged through rope flow is amazing, and people like Tita G are the reason why. “I discovered Rope Flow when I saw a local celebrity flowing with the rope,” Lim says. This sparked a curiosity that led her to online communities and eventually to start her own. What began as an infatuation with collecting ropes to match her outfits eventually led to Lim playing a crucial role in the growth and development of Rope Flow in the Philippines.

Reflecting on her early days with rope flow during the COVID-19 pandemic, she says, “My rope flow coach, Coach Ray, and I would have lessons and flow in the village basketball court, and we would invite flowmies from different communities. That became a weekly and monthly activity. We started building rope flow communities by helping them establish a flow group in a particular province or area with the help of Coach Thor of Rope Flow Iloilo. I would help them by donating flow ropes to those communities and supporting them if they had events by sponsoring prizes like Adidas items and flow ropes.”

Giselle's reach didn't stop with building communities. She's collected more than 200 flow ropes from different suppliers worldwide, appeared in national TV interviews, shared the flow by teaching the fundamental patterns to celebrities and influencers, and promoted fitness and wellness through rope flow to friends and family.

So, you can imagine what a dream come true it was for this rope flow enthusiast and influencer to travel to the States to participate in the first-ever Global Rope Flow Meetup. When talking about the Global Rope Flow Community, she says, "I'm grateful to you [David Weck] every time I use my rope to flow for its benefits. It improved my body’s mobility, timing, and coordination, and it helped me reduce stress and anxiety. Best of all, I’m having fun rolling the rope."

Slush, Tita G, David, and CJ answering questions during the Rope Flow Forum.


However, the spread of rope flow is not just from coaches like CJ and enthusiasts like Tita G; the companies that make flow ropes also help foster a strong rope flow community. While many people DIY their ropes, there are just as many who support the businesses that make flow ropes. Nowadays, ropes can be found in a variety of colors and sizes. Slushropes, a brand known for its vibrant rope designs, reflects the importance of community within the rope flow movement. Slush prioritizes authenticity and user participation, striking a balance between creating innovative products and fostering a strong, inclusive community. “Fostering community requires measuring people as people, rather than social media metrics,” Del Mundo says. She proudly showcases “the average person” and believes that the best part of rope flow is the ability to share the joy of movement with others.

Slush has also made it a point to partner with other brands in the community to show that it isn't about competition but the spread of the practice. "People first, products last. In fact, I’d even say the product is irrelevant. This is also why my partnership with WeckMethod and Winding Ropes could even exist. The average opinion would say that they are competitors, but at the end of the day, Slushropes is about community."

The Future of Rope Flow

The more people who RopeFlow, the easier it is for others to learn. I can envision a day when RopeFlow is even more ‘normal’ than jumping through the rope. And a jump roper can progress their skills by adding RopeFlow to their training.
David Weck

Rope Flow is spreading. People are coming together to share Flow in their communities and the world. The first global rope flow meetup was more than just an event; it was a celebration of movement, community, and shared passion. The success of this meetup is a testament to the dedication and enthusiasm of everyone involved. The more people who Flow, the greater the gains and the more fun to be had for everyone. Weck and Kobliska think Rope Flow will one day be more prominent than jump rope. Kobliska says, "When people start feeling the result of practicing rope flow in their body, they will practice more often. Everyone can pick it up and feel reminded of their gift of movement. The more people that feel rope flow, the more people will want to have a community with which to flow."

“Rope Flow is now a lifestyle, and it’s spreading like wildfire. There are no limits, and everyone qualifies. Why? Because so much of rope flow is play, and we get to connect with our inner child through play. Through play, we learn exponentially, and we get to adventure outside of our comfort zone. Play leads to joy and happiness, of which we all want more of.”
Beyah del Mundo

So, why not pick up a rope and see where it takes you?


Author: Gabi Bradley


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