Hey everyone!

My name is Slush, creator of SLUSHROPES, and today I am super excited to elevate your experience when it comes to buying flow ropes.

Here's the deal: Purchasing flow ropes, especially if it's your first time, can be paralyzing. With the amount of styles, colors, and sizes that all seem "too the same" online, it can make us feel like we're making the wrong choice from one flow rope to the other... from one brand to the other.

I have been studying, nerding out on, and experimenting with hundreds of flow ropes made out of different materials and components in the last 4 years. What makes "SLUSHROPES" different than any other brand is this: I am a flowist first. So when I create a new product, it's going to be GOOD. It's going to have certain intentions.

With that said, part of my research and development is using various types of ropes in different rotations. As much as I would've loved to share with you my findings earlier on, part of the process is allowing time to do its thing. With time and usage, I understood more rope characteristics that compliment each other, things that clash, and then some!

It's been a long time coming but I want to share with you the things I've found in my experience diving deep into research and development.

This first chart right here is called the "SLUSHROPE'S SIZE CHART" where it covers the thickness of each flow rope size (in order of diameter: Starter, Standard, Prototype, Paradigm, Primal, and Primal Plus). The chart also briefly discuss little snippets about the size.

If you look to the right of this chart, there are circles which represents a "mock up diameter" of the flow rope size. Disclaimer: Circles are for reference only - not to be confused with the actual diameter of the rope. Each screen displays graphics differently.

One of the most asked question is: "What is the best flow rope for beginners? What is the right flow rope to start out with?"

Unlike purchasing a dumbbell or a kettlebell, purchasing your first flow rope isn't about qualifying yourself for the proper weight nor is it based on your strength (generally speaking). Of course, our physical ability plays into factor however it isn't at the forefront. In other words, we don't buy flow ropes like we would a dumbbell.

This is why its typically best to start out with "Starter" or "Standard" sizes. They are just easier to learn with, and the most versatile.

To answer this question in the most honest and least sales-y way possible: THE RIGHT ROPE IS THE ONE YOU END UP USING.

I hate to break it to you. But there really isn't a one size fits all 'beginner' rope. Surely, thinner ropes are beginner-friendly. And thicker ropes require more force to move. But at the end of the day...IT. IS. ALL. PREFERENCE.

Rope flow isn't about strength training. It's about putting in the reps to juice up our mobility. How so? By putting as much reps as we can!

I've covered this on my Youtube Channel before but I will say it again: there is no wrong or right rope to start out with, just a rope I wouldn't recommend - heavy ropes (Primal or Primal Plus). WHY? Because it is easier to learn than to unlearn.

When using heavy flow ropes as your first rope, there is the tendency to overcompensate in our grip and wrist performance. As we move up the ladder of our flow vocabulary, there is a chance where we develop poor technique as we overcompensate for the heavy weight of the flow rope. This right here is why I personally do not recommend heavy rope (Primal and/or Primal Plus) as your first flow rope.

By now, you are probably thinking: "Well, I guess this doesn't help me at all. This doesn't narrow down my choices."

Just in time, I'd like to introduce to you the "SLUSHROPE'S FEEL CHART" where, for the first time ever, you can get a general sense of what the rope would feel like before even touching it.

This "Feel Chart" was curated to solve a problem that most people experienced:

"how do we know how the flow rope will feel like? How does it flow?"

"how different is this flow rope from the other?"

In this "Feel Chart", I've gathered up all my notes from the last few years and conversations I've had with the community. This summarizes the most asked features and components that people would like to know when purchasing a SLUSHROPES.

"SLUSHGRIPS" are the styles of handles that I offer.

  • Slim Grips - Designed for accessibility. Great for people who have smaller hands, have a difficulty holding or gripping on things (such as those who suffer from arthritis), or prefer a grip closers to the size of the flow rope. See an example.
  • Regular - An Industry Standard. This 4 knot handle is commonly used and features a vertical handle. See an example.
  • 3 Knot - A SLUSHROPES Original. This 3 knot handle chips away the verticality of a regular grip featuring a slightly shorter grip with the same girth as a regular grip. See an example.
  • Circular - A SLUSHROPES Original. This circular grip resembles a ball-like handle which makes exploring with the "OK" grip, systemized by Weckmethod, extremely fun and accessible.
  • XL Grip - Jumbo Grip. This "XL" grip is great for those who want to work on grip training or simply for those who have larger hands (accessibility). See an example.

"Braid Profile" determines how soft or firm the flow rope is.

  • The softer the rope, the more "open" it feels.
  • Typically, softer ropes are preferred by people who use rope flow as flow arts (such as dancing, moving, expression, and meditation).
  • The firmer the rope, the more "closed off" or stiff it feels.
  • Typically, firmer ropes are preferred by people who use rope flow as a form of performance or athletic training (such as martial arts, overall mobility training, performance training, speed training, etc.)

"Whip to Drag" is how the flow rope will feel like when in use.

  • Whip is the opposite of drag - the speed in which the rope cuts through air
  • Whip is usually found in ropes that are thinner but also found in ropes with tighter braid profile
  • Drag is found in rope that are thicker but also found in ropes with looser braid profile
  • If you want to feel speed in each rep, get a rope that scores in the whip spectrum.
  • If you want to feel the flow in each rep, get a rope that scores in the drag spectrum.

"Length" is how long the flow rope is.

  • 9 FT - Standard length (found in Starter and Standard)
  • 8 FT - (found in Protohype, Paradigm, Primal, and Primal Plus)
  • Shorter and Longer Sizes - Custom Sizes are available.

"Usage Chart" is how people typical use their rope for:

  • Overall Performance - Great for all around use.
  • Agility Training - Athletic, agility, precision, and speed training.
  • Free Flow - Free flow expression, movement, meditation, and dance.
  • Tricking - Manipulations and tricks
  • Progressive Overload Training- Weighted rope flow training

So there you have it - the most comprehensive guide on the internet thus far! I hope that I was able to help you chip away some questions you have when it comes to finding YOUR ROPE! If you have any more questions, feel free to send me an email at

You can see the entire collection here!


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